Formidable Website


Formidable is a software company who utilizes JavaScript as their core technology to tailor design and develop web apps, mobile apps, cloud services, open source software and more.


Senior UX/UI Designer
Research, Wireframes, Interaction, Visual Design, Prototyping & Testing


Formidable’s old brand needed to be updated as it didn’t clearly communicate who they were, how they saw themselves and the company’s offerings. As part of this initiative, they wanted to update their website to match their new brand. While Formidable had the talent and expertise to do the website redesign, they preferred to prioritize client work over their own. In enters my company. As a joint effort, the two companies worked together to get to the end result.


Similarly to the Sound United and LightArt projects, we based the design off a content block system. I may sound like a broken record, but just like the others Formidable wanted flexibility, control and ease of management and proceeding with the content block library was the best solution.

Typically the client is not included in any internal creative reviews prior to a formal presentation, but this collaboration with the two companies was unique. Select Formidable team members were almost seen as an extension of our internal team during internal creative reviews and having them involved was helpful as they provided insider insights.

Example of wireframe layout

Example of wireframe layout

Style Tiles

After getting approval for the wireframes and before fully jumping into design, we presented multiple options of how the site’s tone could be applied via a style tile. Ultimately, the client opted for the blue background and hand-picked design components from varying style tiles.

First stages of style tile options

First stages of style tile options

Opportunity to Learn

I really enjoy when I can learn something new on a project. For Formidable, we proposed an animation that would present the user their digital project lifecycle. The animation would pair nicely with copy (not seen in the prototype to the right) and would auto animate on page load.

The user can then pause the animation by hovering over one of the anchor dots, or fast forward/rewind by selecting an anchor point. The final iteration of the animation was simplified, but still provides the user adequate context into the lifecycle.


This project was truly a collaborative effort—from start to end, the two teams worked as one. It was a great experience for me to integrate into another team as my team currently runs quite lean.

The end result reinforced Formidable’s new brand and helped showcase the goals we set at the beginning:

  • Who they were

  • How they wanted to be perceived

  • Services they offer

Have a look yourself. 😃


Check out Formidable’s site


Sound United Websites


LightArt Website